How to Fix Sudden Sharp Knee Pain When Squatting?

Cracking the Relief Code – Fixing Knee pain when squatting

Are you struggling with knee pain when squatting down or kneeling? Knee pain when squatting is common among individuals. Squatting causes knee pain for many reasons, including temporary injury or an age-related chronic condition. If you have sharp knee pain when squatting, it may be due to affected cartilage, knee cap, or similar knee issues. 

Squat without suffering – Fix your knee pain with smart moves!

Keep reading the blog to learn more about knee pain when squatting down and how to fix these issues. 

knee pain when squatting

Knee Anatomy and Squatting - Is there a connection?

The knee is a complex joint that plays a key role in squatting. It comprises the tibia or shin bone, femur or thigh bone, and patella or kneecap. Tendons, ligaments, and surrounding muscles maintain the knee’s stability. The gluteal and calf muscles also contribute to knee movement. 

When squatting, the knee acts as a moveable joint, allowing flexion and extension while stabilizing the body. Proper squatting techniques rely on balanced muscle engagement from the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes to protect the knee joint. Poor posture can lead to muscle imbalance or excessive load on the knees, leading to pain in front of knee when squatting. 

What causes pain in the knee when squatting?

  • ITBS or Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The condition causes outside knee pain when squatting. When squatting, a thick band of connective tissue running from the hip to the shin gets inflamed or tightened due to repetitive knee flexion and extension.  ITBS causes burning outside knee pain when squatting with a snapping sensation and inflammation. 

  • Patellofemoral syndrome or Runner’s knee

The condition causes pain behind the knee when squatting. It occurs due to poor knee cap alignment or improper biomechanics while squatting. The common symptoms include redness, swelling, and clicking sensation.  

  • Patellar tendonitis or Jumper’s knee

Pain above knee when squatting occurs due to patellar tendonitis that causes inflammation or degeneration of the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon connects the shinbone and kneecap. The tendonitis occurs due to repetitive stress while squatting, causing symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, and tenderness below the knee cap. 

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis occurs due to degenerative wear and tear of the cartilage cushioning the bone ends. When you squat, the cartilage is compressed, creating friction between bones. The condition causes top of knee pain when squatting, stiffness, bone spurs, inflammation, and tenderness. 

  • Knee Bursitis 

Knee bursitis occurs due to inflammation of the bursa on the inner side of the knee, where the hamstrings are attached. It causes inner knee pain when squatting or other activities that require knee bending. 

 Improper squatting practices

Proper squatting involves keeping your knees aligned to the feet and back straight throughout the exercise. If you let your knees extend too far past the toes or if you collapse them inward, excessive pressure is exerted on the front of the knees. So, front knee pain when squatting occurs due to improper squatting practices. 

  • Weak Quadriceps

Pain above knee when squatting occurs due to weak inner thigh muscles or quadriceps. The weak muscles put excess strain on the tendon during squats and lead to discomfort. 

How to fix knee pain when squatting?

Squatting is an unavoidable position throughout the day or when exercising. If you want to pick up something, lift something, do your usual workouts, or while playing sports. You may feel pain in the squat position from time to time. Figure out how to fix knee pain when squatting, 

how to fix knee pain when squatting

Steps to avoid sudden sharp knee pain when squatting


R – Rest 

I – Ice

C- Compress

E – Elevate

Stop immediately when you feel knee pain when squatting and standing up. Take rest until your pain reduces.

Use ice packs for 20 minutes and repeat it several times a day. Never put direct ice onto the skin; cover it with a towel or blanket.

When you have pain in front of your knee when squatting, use an elastic bandage to wrap your knee with light tension to prevent swelling. 

Keep your knees on a pillow to reduce sharp knee pain when squatting. 

Strengthening Exercise

Strengthening your knee structure is essential to reducing knee pain when squatting. Stronger muscles provide enhanced stability and act as shock absorbers to reduce stress on the knees. Regular strength training exercises stimulate synovial fluid that reduces friction between knee bones. 

You must follow warm-up sessions, stretching exercises, and strengthening exercises to reduce pain and improve flexibility. 

Warm up

Stretching exercises 

Strengthening exercises

Wall push-ups

Calf raises


Using elliptical machine

Hamstring stretch 

Heel and calf stretch  Quadriceps stretch

Half squats

Calf raises

Hamstring curls 

Leg extensions

Leg presses 

Side leg raises 

Wall squats


Doctors may prescribe OTC medications such as NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs for immediate pain relief. These medications relieve inside knee pain when squatting and reduce inflammation when used as directed by a doctor. 

Physical Therapy

Consulting a physical therapist will help you identify underlying knee issues such as patellofemoral pain syndrome, bursitis, meniscus tear, or other common knee complaints. Based on the cause, a physical therapist can devise the most suitable treatment method. They guide you in creating a personalized exercise plan, manual therapy to promote healing, training on proper squat techniques, and lifestyle changes for better knee health.

pain behind knee when squatting

Overcome the Squat Struggle - Keep your Knees happy; consult Dr. Hesham Al-Khateeb.

Why do your knees protest every squat? Knee pain when squatting is relatively common, but sharp pain may disturb routine activities. 

Dr. Hesham AL-Khateeb is a renowned orthopedic doctor in Dubai specializing in hip and knee surgery. With cutting-edge medical technology and luxurious healthcare facilities, Dr. Hesham blends innovation and personalized care for knee problems. As an orthopedic specialist, he leverages advanced robotic-assisted surgeries, medications, and precision diagnosis to transform a patient’s mobility. 

With unparalleled medical excellence, Dr. Hesham redefines your knee healing experience! Schedule a consultation today!


Sometimes, we hear a popping sound when squatting. It occurs due to gas bubbles in the synovial fluid of the knee joint. It’s mostly harmless. However, if it’s accompanied by pain, it’s a serious knee issue, including a meniscus tear, tendon or ligament issues, patellofemoral dysfunction, or arthritis.

Squatting is an effective way to build strength and manage pain. If you have knee pain when squatting, slowly and gradually increase the frequency. You can consult a knee doctor or orthopedic surgeon to evaluate your pain and ensure customized treatment.

If you hear a cracking sound during movement, it’s common that it occurs in most joints all over our body. It’s not a cause of concern or fear movement. Our joints thrive on movement, so move better. 

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